Pearls Support


Therapeutic Care

Why Choose Us

Our Unique Programme

Our Frameworks focuses on social and emotional capabilities that are of value to our service users that demonstrate link to their desired outcomes such as developing skills, education/ employment, healthy relationships, and independence in the community. 

This Framework outlines a detailed approach to measuring these capabilities in practice. This will help to address the key challenges and impact on the lives of our service users to focus on reducing negative outcomes and a sustained personal social and emotional development, this evidence is fundamental to current and future wellbeing and success. Each person identifies key areas in their lives where they require development and staff support them to set goals in these areas. These goals will be reviewed every 4-6 weeks depending on what is outlined in the care plans.  The setting of goals ensures the treatment and support the residents receive is specific, measurable, and focussed on the service user working towards independence

Young People (8)
Key Outcomes

What Can you Expect?

This will help to address the key challenges and impact on the lives of our service users to focus on reducing negative outcomes and a sustained personal social and emotional development.


Personal and Social Development

Through which our residents develop social and emotional capabilities, including determination, self-control, persistence, and self-motivation.


Social and Emotional Capabilities

Soft skills or non-cognitive skills, communication, creativity, self-confidence, managing feelings, problem solving, leadership skills, resilience and self-esteem.


Developing Communication Skills

The ability to learn from experience, control behaviours, and make good choices; and the self-esteem, resilience, and motivation to persist towards goals and overcome setbacks.


Educational Development

Participation in training, literacy and numeracy, community courses, and activities, taking advice on services to improve education, budgeting and tenancy support.


Positive Relationships

hose which can also be measured and valued by other people, accessing public services, local communities, and family networks. Having positive relationships, involvement in meaningful, enjoyable activities.


Being Healthy

Psycho-education, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, dietetic education, meal planning and preparation, self-regulating and behavioural skills and changing thought patterns.

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